Gun/Weapon in School
Check BOE policy for action steps moving forward.
Put school in lockdown if necessary.
With school SRO (if possible)/another admin, escort all students involved to separate,secure locations.
Contact law enforcement (if SRO is not present).
Put investigation team into place. Interview/search students, and assess the situation. Collect written statements.
Contact accused student’s parents.
Contact parents of other students involved/those who were interviewed.
Contact and inform BOE
Create communication to all staff and all parents and send in a staggered fashion–BOE first, then staff, then parents
Remove lockdown when safe to do so, reference bell schedule and remainder of daily schedule.
Post on Social Media and website if appropriate, with your district protocols in mind.
Create communication for the end of the day message to summarize the situation, its outcome and steps moving forward.
Debrief situation with Crisis/Safety Team/Admins/police.
Contact BOE regarding outcomes or updates.
Continue with investigation and discipline student(s). Contact District Attorney.
If a hearing is necessary, contact BOE to schedule a hearing.
Prepare hearing packet and have Superintendent review before sharing with BOE.
Within 24 hours report incident to the Michigan State Police Office of School Safety as required by law.